Thursday, July 28, 2011

All that Glitters is Gold...

I'm applying sulfuric acid to my fingertips.
Dying my hair and changing my name.
It's time to forget and be forgotton.
Leave the keys under the doormat and a thank you note.
Thumb down a cab, suitcase in tow.
and leave the life of bullshit behind.
Too bad I can't seem to get rid of this black cloud in a speedy get away.
At least I can umbrella myself for a little while.
Before time catches up again, and snatches me away.
Ball and chain, I walk for days...
Goodbye forever.
Tomorrow, the same sun will rise.
and I will view it with different eyes.
Gleaming hope, skyline glittering gold.
Something I have never seen before.
Miles of grassy hills and meadows lay ahead.
I can't keep my eyes open anymore.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Stupid Girl

I'm being clumbsy.
I can't seem to stand on my own two feet without tripping anymore.
My words, an escape artist... I will hurt your feelings with a smile.
Unaware of my own feelings anymore.
I am a confused little girl.
Consider me the current to your electric chair...
Pulsation, allure, an outbox and outlet of injury.
Let's add some insult here.
You're a cunt.
That's right, I said it.
Okay, here I go again... The fall.