On another completely opposing but somehow in my mind related subject.. how about we talk about friends?
Recently three unique individuals have entered my life, one of which is vacant, the other whom is there, but slightly occupied, and the other whom is THERE, but... their
availability conflicts with my own, which results in heartbreaking phone tag.
What can I say? I'm a social butterfly, but god
damn it, work is clipping my wings!
I haven't been very poetic lately, I haven't been writing any of my fictions... It's quite
frustrating. With my new
scenery at my job, stress from the transition, stress from my social life, and the impending pressure of my studies... I am an utter basket case... Half full of apples.
I don't know what that means, but it sounded right to me so I'm sticking to it.
So what can I say? I still don't sleep at night. I still don't drink coffee or smoke. I still act like I am a child, yet somehow, the way I carry myself is completely different than two years ago, even six months ago. Somehow with my new occupational situations, I've also become a little less timid, not that I ever was timid. I just feel more confident in my words, I suppose.
I need to get on the stage, I need to start writing my erotic novels. I NEED to fill this writing void I am allowing myself to create.. I need to just create!
There are plenty of muses around me, and I'm full of ideas. It's just, I don't seem to realize how to seize such moments correctly, or I simply don't have time to.
Erato is sitting in front of me, bare and spread eagle, and here I am saying "Hey, wanna play scrabble?".. or it's the "Hey, can you come back AFTER I finish my shift, because I cannot stop what I am doing to write right now..."
And of course, by the time I am off, she is gone, along with her amazing body and coy whispers. Shame.
Some things you need to know:
1.) Cola gummies are god's way of saying "I love you", try them!
2.) My hands are absolutely freezing and halfway through this entry I contemplated wearing knit gloves.
3.) I need friends that will work with my time schedule, be willing to dedicate themselves to me before anyone else, be available on my beckon, and not want a committed/physical relationship with me in any capacity other than friendship.... Now taking applications!!!!!! =D (I kid)

I miss my friends
~Loving you is like loving the dead... Like fucking the dead.~